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Desktop Publishing |
As the saying goes, you never get a second
chance to make a first impression. And those first impressions are critical. How do you look to your customers,
potential customers, and your employees? Do you look professional? Successful? Ready to do business? |
Your business communications are often your first contact with potential customers. What do your business communications say about your organization? Is the writing effective? The spelling and grammar correct? The design and layout attractive? What first impression do they create? |
WordCrafters can help you create that successful first impression. |
Whether yours is a one-time project such as a company policy, an occasional task such as updating a restaurant menu, or a recurring assignment such as a newsletter, WordCrafters can complete the work on time and with professional results. We can write it, design the layout, add the graphics, and provide the final product as camera-ready copy for printing or as a computer file on disk, whatever works best for you. |
See what we can do: |
Sales/Marketing/Informational Materials
For Clubs and Service Organizations
For Employees
For Customers
For Retail Stores
Your Image and Identity
For Restaurants/ Banquets/Catering
Other Items
What can WordCrafters do for you, your company, or your organization to get your message across effectively, professionally, and at a reasonable cost? |
Contact us for all your business communications needs, or to request samples of our work. |
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