Contact Us

Please contact us for all your business communications needs, for planning any kind of event, or to request samples of our work.

For our writing and editing services: We can meet your needs via phone, email, fax, and global delivery services wherever you are located.

To request samples or a quote: please continue to the form below.


To call:P630-759-2076

Monday through Friday; 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Central
(Leave message for prompt response.)



To fax: P630-759-8133

Please complete our FaxBack form




To request samples or a quotation, please complete the following form (Please see Doing Business With WordCrafters for additional guidelines for quote requests.):

*Required Fields

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PFirst Name*

PLast Name*


PName of Organization

PType of Organization

POther (please describe)

PPhone Number

(We recommend you include your phone number in case our email to you bounces.)

PFax Number.

(We will need your fax number if you request samples or quotation via fax.)

Mailing Address (We will need this if you request samples or quotation via standard mail)

PAddress 1

PAddress 2



PZip Code

PEmail Address*

PWebsite URL (if applicable)

Type of Sample(s) Requested (choose from list below):

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( If not also requesting a quotation, you may skip to the end.)

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Nature of Project / Services for Request (Hold down CTRL key to make multiple selections.):

Please describe your project in detail:

W(You may also use this space for general comments.)

.... .... ICompletion deadline

PClick on Reset button to clear all entries.

P*Click on Submit Form button ONLY ONCE to submit information.

*Note: When you submit the form, you will open a page that acknowledges your submission. Click on your browser's Back button to exit the acknowledgment page and return to this page.


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